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Cool Creek Dentistry: Carmel, IN’s Outstanding Dentist

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An Exceptional Dentist for Carmel, IN Patients

Our team provides convenient and comfortable treatment to preserve your oral health and give you a bright, beautiful smile. When you visit our office, we approach your dental needs with the knowledge that everyone’s situation is unique. With our comprehensive collection of treatments and procedures performed in a comfortable atmosphere, we take pride in the service you receive and the fantastic results when you leave.

Unlock Your Brightest Smile With Our Teeth Whitening Program

smiling young man

Dental Treatments for Your Oral Care Needs

Our team of oral care professionals strives to deliver a selection of dental services that encompass a wide variety of our patients’ needs. With general dentistry, we help you maintain a clean, healthy mouth through cleanings while x-rays and oral exams allow us to identify any potential or early-stage issues. By finding these problems at their beginning stages, we can resolve them before they grow into more substantial and costly ones. When toothaches, decay, and chips or cracks afflict your teeth, we offer emergency care and an assortment of restorative and cosmetic treatments to return you to a brilliant smile. Using crowns, bridges, and implants, we can restore and replace your severely damaged and missing teeth in appearance and function. If you’ve lost several or all of your teeth, our custom-created dentures give you back your ability to chew, speak, and smile again with a comfortable fit and natural look. These are some of the services we offer our patients to ensure their best oral health.

Discover the Difference in Our Dental Care

Explore our website to learn more about the team at Cool Creek Dentistry and the dental services we offer in Carmel, IN. In addition to the treatments we provide to your whole family, we also want to educate you. This transparency about our services helps you feel more confident and make better decisions about your oral health. For your convenience, you’ll find information about our office policies, credentials, and what procedures you can receive from us. The dentist and staff at our office look forward to helping you with your general, cosmetic, restorative, and emergency dental needs. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment with us. You can reach us at 317-846-3436 to speak with a member of our team.

Call Us Today to Schedule Exceptional Dental Care





Hours of Operation

Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: Closed

1040 N Rangeline Rd suite b, Carmel, IN 46032, USA

We Help You Afford the Care You Need and Deserve!

Cool Creek Dentistry accepts most major dental insurance plans, and will work with you to help you understand your benefits.

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We Accept All Major Credit Cards

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